26340 Whited Ave, Brook Park, MN 55007


I was born into a loving family in Nova Scotia, Canada and enjoyed the benefits that come through living with a father, mother, and five siblings who cared about each other. Although I attended church from a young age, I was given to sinful desires which showed later on in many ways, including my great thirst for alcohol.

Following high school, I completed an engineering degree and worked as an industrial engineer with the Royal Canadian Navy; the fishing industry; and potash mining. At the age of twenty-six, I was confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by a traveling evangelist. Through Ephesians 2:1-10 and Romans 10:9-10, God showed me that I was a sinner who was deserving of His just judgement. He opened my eyes to see that I needed to repent (turn away from a life of sin) and put my trust in Jesus Christ, God incarnate, who suffered; died on the cross; and rose from the dead to pay for my sins! After receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I realized that life would never be the same. For instance, by the Holy Spirit, I was able to put off drinking and put on an increasing desire for God’s Word!

About two years later, God called me to Bethel Seminary (St. Paul, MN) to complete a Masters of Divinity degree. There I met my wife, Kate, with whom I have lived and served God for nearly forty years. In 2009, God gave me the opportunity to complete a Doctor of Ministry degree at Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, MO), and in 2014 I received the certification of Biblical Counselor through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (USA). At present, my goals are to continue to serve the saints at QBC and to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!
Pastor Ivan
I had always thought in the past that I really didn’t have a testimony since I did not have some dramatic life changing story to share with people. As I have grown closer to the Lord, however, I now see that is not true!

God placed me in a very loving home, and we went to church every Sunday. I was even the child of missionaries. I grew up helping with VBS and Bible Camp all summer long. I married a wonderful man, and we've gone to church as well.

Being raised in a good home, going to church, helping with VBS, and being a good person, however, means absolutely nothing apart from the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ! Nothing I do can save me... "For ALL have sinned and fall short of glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

God made a way... "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) I am thankful for His gift of eternal life for me!

My story may not be dramatic, but it was life changing for me! I see clearly how God saved me and is using everything in my life for His glory and honor! Each struggle, each trial, each battle I've gone through is to shape me and mold me to be who HE wants me to be! My testimony is not done yet, every day I'm being sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit!!

I thank God for bringing us to Quamba Baptist Church where God's Word is taught in boldness and truth.
Angie Anderson